In summary, the main reasons why homeowners choose to build a shed using our plans include:
Design flexibility
Quality control
Fun and satisfaction
£££Savings $$$
Substantial savings result when the homeowner builds a DIY shed according to expert plans such as we provide. Not only are the labor costs minimized when you build your own, the transport costs are likewise less than they would be for contractors, construction materials, or kits brought from far away. Homeowners who use our plans to build their sheds using locally-available materials save a considerable amount in fuel expenses from distant providers.
Design flexibility We often hear from satisfied homeowners that one of their main reasons for building a shed based on our plans is flexibility. It is difficult to find a pre-made shed in exactly the color, size and finish that you may prefer, since most manufacturers of pre-made sheds tend to offer the same designs with little variation or individuality.
In contrast, when you choose one of our stylish, contemporary designs for a shed, everything becomes possible… Gone are the limitations imposed by kits made overseas of shoddy materials with poor appearance. With our plans, you can now enjoy the flexibility of choosing your own preferred color, finish, size and other design details for your shed.
Quality control
Quality is of paramount importance when considering building a shed which is expected to last for many years. Our beautiful and elegant designs provide a template by which you can build the shed of your dreams, using quality materials of your choice. In sharp contrast, sheds built by outside contractors usually incorporate materials of middling grade or worse, leading to disappointments in the future.
Likewise, pre-fabricated manufactured kits also often incorporate materials of a lower standard than a careful homeowner might choose if selecting construction materials locally. Do-it-yourself homeowners find that the superior designs of our sheds allow them to select the quality of materials according to their own needs and tastes rather than to be restricted by the mediocre requirements of shed manufacturers’ proprietary systems.
Fun and satisfaction
One of the best yet intangible reasons for using our shed plans to build your own shed is simply the fun and satisfaction of creating a solid, useful structure with your own hands using materials and designs that you yourself have chosen.
Building a DIY shed is an excellent way to practice woodworking skills as well as general “handiness,” which is useful when dealing with the inevitable minor fixes and construction work always to be found around the house. Even a novice can quickly learn basic construction and repair skills while building a shed.
And, the confidence and manual skills gained from successfully building a DIY shed can form a valuable foundation for pursuing other, more-advanced building projects. And, of course working together as a shed-building team offers a great bonding experience for fathers and sons, and others who may benefit from team-building experiences.
In summary, our shed-building plans offer the best solution for your storage and workspace needs; we guarantee that you will be very pleased with your new shed when built according to one of our exciting, contemporary shed designs. Please contact us for additional details.